Hello! I’m Kathleen Hablutzel and I’m a double major in Computer Science & Statistical and Data Sciences at Smith College, graduating January 2023 (accelerated by one semester). I especially enjoy cybersecurity, cryptography, machine learning, and data wrangling.

At Smith, I’m a software engineering intern in Prof. Alicia M. Grubb’s lab, where I contribute to BloomingLeaf, a web-based tool for goal-oriented requirements engineering. I’m also a student pedagogical partner for CSC294 Computational Machine Learning, focused on redesigning the decision tree and random forest classifier labs. I have also been a TA for Smith’s Algorithms and Applied Algorithms courses, and worked on numerous projects available under the Projects tab.

Over the summer of 2021, I worked as a data engineer for Bank of America’s Corporate Treasury data warehouses through the Global Technology Sophomore Summer Analyst Program. I look forward to returning to Bank of America in summer 2022 in the Global Information Security division!

When I’m not coding or nerding out over cool graphs, I enjoy running, knitting, building props and sets with the Smith College Theater Department, coding cryptographic ciphers, and exploring 16th century British politics.